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The Republic of Iraq

Iraq – Fact File
Country name Republic of Iraq
Population 27.5 million - July 2007 estimate
Languages Arabic [official], English widely spoken
Currency Iraqi Dinar [ID] = 1,000 fils
Official Religion Islam
Capital Baghdad
Business Hours Government Offices & States Enterprises:
08:00 to 14:00 [Saturday to Wednesday]
08:00 to 13:00 [Thursday]
Banks: 08:30 to 12:30 [Saturday to Wednesday]
08:30 to 11:00 [Thursday]
Embassy requirements and legalisation fees
All shipments to Iraq must be covered by an Arab-Irish Certificate of Origin and along with an Invoice must be certified by the JA-ICC.
Our Chamber will endeavour to legalise any documents through the Iraqi Embassy in London.
All documents which are submitted for Certification only and Certification and Legalisation must be stamped by the Department of Foreign Affairs – this includes all Certificates of Origin and Invoices. Our Chamber can undertake this at the Department of Foreign Affairs.
A Halal Certificate stating that slaughter was according to Muslim law must accompany fresh, frozen meat and poultry.
Health and Radiation Certificates are often required for food, meat and poultry consignments.
Exporters are reminded that there are some restrictions on trading with Iraq, though many have been relaxed. Contact the Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment – Export Licensing Unit, Phone; [01] 661 4444 for full details.
Certificates of Origin, Invoices and other commercial documents e.g. Packing Lists - all must be stamped by the Department of Foreign Affairs
- Legalisation is a fixed fee of €192.00 per commercial document [Original or copy].
           Original & Copy         
* Certificates of a Pharmaceutical Product/

GMP Certificate/Price Certificate/Agency

Agreement/Power of Attorney/Certificate

of Incorporation/Change of Name/Minutes

of Meeting/Board Resolution/Memorandum

& Articles of Association/Financial Report

All other documents e.g. Manufacturer’s

Licenses, Health Certificates/Certificates

of Free Sale/Certificates of Analysis/

€ 199.00

CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY -                               €100.00
This covers liasing with SGS UK, the issuing of a Certificate, checking & amending documents if required and couriers.

We have been informed by the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq that as from 1st May 2011 all shipments to Iraq now must have a Certificate of Conformity. This Certificate of Conformity is basically for all products exported to Iraq – the main categories are as follows;

· Food products
· Beverages
· Electric and electronic products
· Vehicles, tyres and parts
· Construction Products
· Toys
· Cosmetics, personal hygiene products and cleaning agents
· Household hardware,
. Kitchenware
. Chemicals
· Textile and Footwear
· Household burning fuels appliances
· Others – all kinds of metallic cans and covers
For further details please see https://iraqcomattache.org/i/files/docs/New_Guidlines_for_Exporters.pdf
This Certificate of Conformity is required for every shipment presented for either Certification only by our Chamber or legalisation by the Iraqi Embassy.

The Iraqi Ministry of Planning has signed a contract with SGS United Kingdom to handle the issuing of the Certificates of Conformity. In return SGS has agreed with our Chamber to liaise on behalf of all Irish exporters to see if a Certificate of Conformity is required.
The procedure for this process is as follows;-
- Exporter emails to JA-ICC a copy of their Certificate of Origin, Invoice
  and any other Certificates which requires processing, along with the
  tariff number of the product and a brief description of goods
- JA-ICC will check all documentation and will advise any changes – the
  exporter will then send these onto our Chamber for processing
  which must also be stamped by the Department of Foreign Affairs
  which our Chamber can look after.
- JA-ICC will then email the necessary details required to SGS UK to see
  if a Certificate of Conformity is required
- If a Certificate of Conformity is required then the exporter will liaise
  directly with the SGS UK. JA-ICC will give the contact details
  of SGS at this point.
- If a Certificate of Conformity is not required, then SGS UK will send to
  the JA-ICC by courier on behalf of the exporter a Certificate
  stating that the shipment does not require a Certificate of
  Conformity to comply with the Iraq ICIGI program. This Certificate
  must be stamped by the JA-ICC only and will be sent as back up with
  the Certificate of Origin and Invoice.
SGS United Kingdom
Bureau Veritas UK & Ireland
We regret that we cannot under any circumstances, intercede or take responsibility for any transactions initiated directly between an exporter and an Embassy.
The Joint Arab-Irish Chamber of Commerce [JA-ICC]: 60 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Tel: + 353 1 662 4451 / 662 1577        Fax: + 353 1 662 47 29        Email: 
                       © 2009 The Joint Arab Irish Chamber of Commerce
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