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The United Arab Emirates

UAE – Fact File
Country name United Arab Emirates
Population 4.4 million – July 2007 estimate
Languages Arabic [official], English widely spoken
Currency Dirham [D] = 100 fils
Official Religion Islam
Capital Abu Dhabi
Business Hours Varies from business to business and
from city to city.
Embassy requirements and legalisation fees
All shipments to UAE must be covered by an Arab-Irish Certificate of Origin and, along with an Invoice, must be certified by the JA-ICC and then legalised by our Chamber at the UAE Embassy in Dublin. Please note all shipments for UAE must be legalised.
Certificates which do not relate to a Certificate of Origin, these must be stamped by the Dept. of Foreign Affairs before we can process these. The Chamber can offer this service.
Agency Agreements and all Power of Attorney must be originally signed and require Notary Public and the Dept. of Foreign Affairs stamps before we can process these. Please ensure that the Dept. of Foreign Affairs certifies the Notary Public Seal only. All documents that do not relate to a shipment and all Personal Certificates must be stamped by the Department of Foreign Affairs.The Chamber can offer this service
Health Certificates are required for food, meat and poultry consignments.
A Halal Certificate stating that slaughter was according to Muslim law must accompany fresh, frozen meat and poultry.
Radiation Certificates are often requested.
Certificate of Origin [Original or Copy] € 60.00
Copy Invoice € 60.00
Value of Invoice in $ Value of Invoice in £ Value of Invoice in €         
From To From To From To Fees in €
$0.01 $2,274 £0.01 £1,431 €0.01 €1,660 60.00
$2,275 $6,849 £1,432 £4,310 €1,661 €5,000 110.00
$6,850 $13,699 £4,311 £8,621 €5,001 €10,000 230.00
$13,700 $29,548 £8,622 £12,931 €10,001 €15,000 340.00
$29,549 $34,247 £12,932 £21,552 €15,001 €25,000 440.00
$34,248 $56,986 £21,553 £35,862 €25,001 €41,600 550.00
$56,987 $114,155 £35,863 £71,839 €41,601 €83,333 730.00
$114,156 $228,301 £71,840 £143,672 €166,660 €83,334 840.00
$228,302 $456,620 £143,673 £287,356 €166,661 €333,333 1,050.00
Invoices over $456,621, £287,357 and €333,334 please contact the Chamber for legalisation fee.
Certificate of Registration or Incorporation         
Memorandum & Articles of Association as one document         
Memorandum & Articles of Association each         
Company Record of Achievements i.e. References         
Company Trade or Finance Report         
Certificate of Good Standing         
Power of Attorney to Register a Company €1,050.00
If any of the above is accompanied by
an Agency Agreement = €30.00

Minutes of a Meeting to Register a Company €1,050.00
Company Share Certificate €1,050.00
Letter of Status from CRO €1,050.00
Company Printout from CRO €1,050.00
Power of Attorney to Register a Company €1,050.00
Agency/Distribution/Commerical Agreement €1,050.00
Company Contract €1,050.00
Assignment or an Authoriation for Registering Trade Mark or Patents €1,050.00
Authorisation of an Agreement for the purpose of transferring or selling company shares
Letter of Undertaking €1,050.00
Power of Attorney re Finance/Shares €1,050.00
Authorisation of Agent to Register Product €1,050.00
General Power of Attorney €1,050.00
All of the following Certificates Originals/Copies
Health Certificate - Radiation Certificates - Halal Certificates - Packing List,Termination of Agent/Agreement - GMP Certificates - Manufacturers License - Power of Attorney/Minutes of Meeting to open banck account - Private Power of Attorney - Additions to Agency Agreements or Contracts - Agreement to close a brach of a Company - Certificates of Free Sale - ISO/Quality Certificates - Certificates of Conformity - Court & Legal Documents - University Degrees - Copy of Passport - Transfer of Property - Specimen of Signatures - Nomination or appointment of Branch Manager - Certificates of Analysis - Reference Letter - Births, Death & Marriage Certificates -
€ 60.00
Please ask about our EXPRESS LEGALISATION SERVICE which takes 1-2 working days. Additional fees are incurred which are an additional 30.00 euro per legalised page plus and additional 20.00 euro per courier fees as all Express documentation must reach the Embassy by 10.00am.
Federation of United Arab Emirates Chambers of Commerce & Industry
P.O.Box 3014
Tel.: (+971 2) 621 41 44
Fax: (+971 2) 633 92 10
Dubai Office:
P.O.Box 8886,
Tel.: (+971 4) 295 55 00
Fax: (+971 4) 294 12 12
Please note that Embassies rules and regulations can and do change overnight. We bear no responsibility for any such changes. Any changes that do take place will be passed directly to our customers.

Please note that Embassies rules and regulations can and do change overnight. We bear no responsibility for any such changes. Any changes that do take place will be passed directly to our customers.
The Joint Arab-Irish Chamber of Commerce [JA-ICC]: 60 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Tel: + 353 1 662 4451 / 662 1577        Fax: + 353 1 662 47 29        Email: 
                       © 2009 The Joint Arab Irish Chamber of Commerce
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The United Arab Emirates
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