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The Kingdom of Morocco

Morocco – Fact File
Country name Kingdom of Morocco
Population 33 million – July 2007 estimate
Languages Arabic [official], French [commercial],
Berber [in rural areas], Spanish in North
Currency Moroccan Dinar [MD] = 100 centimes
Official Religion Islam
Capital Rabat
Business Hours Government Offices & States Enterprises:
08:00 to 13:00 and 14:30 to 18:00 [Monday to Saturday]
Banks: 08:15 to 12:15 and 14:15 to 17:15 [Monday to Thursday], 09:00 to 13:00 [Saturday]
Commercial Offices: 08:30 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 20:00 [Monday to Friday]
Hours also vary during Summer/Winter months
Embassy requirements and legalisation fees
All shipments to Morocco must be covered by an Arab-Irish Certificate of Origin and along with an Invoice must be certified by the JA-ICC. If legalisation is required then our Chamber will arrange legalisation by the relevant Embassy.
A Halal Certificate stating that slaughter was according to Muslim law must accompany fresh, frozen meat and poultry.
Health and Radiation Certificates are often required for food, meat and poultry consignments.
If Legalisation is required then the exporter can legalise themselves at the Moroccan Embassy in Dublin once documentation has been certified by our Chamber.

Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco
39, Raglan Road
Dublin 4
Phone;      01 660 9449
Email;      sifamdub@indigo.ie
All personal documentation e.g. Degree Certificates or Marriage Certificates must be stamped by the Department of Foreign Affairs before submitting for certification and/or legalisation.
Fédération des Chambers Marocaines de Commerce, d`Industrie et de Services
6 Rue Erfoud,
P.O. Box 218,
Rabat cp10001,
Tel.: (+212 37) 76 70 78 – 76 70 51 – 76 78 81
Fax: (+212 37) 76 70 76 – 76 78 96
Please note that Embassies rules and regulations can and do change overnight. We bear no responsibility for any such changes. Any changes that do take place will be passed directly to our customers.
We regret that we cannot under any circumstances, intercede or take responsibility for any transactions initiated directly between an exporter and an Embassy.
The Joint Arab-Irish Chamber of Commerce [JA-ICC]: 60 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Tel: + 353 1 662 4451 / 662 1577        Fax: + 353 1 662 47 29        Email: 
                       © 2009 The Joint Arab Irish Chamber of Commerce
The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
The Kingdom of Bahrain
The Republic of Djibouti
The Republic of Iraq
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The State of Kuwait
The Republic of Lebanon
Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
The Islamic Republic of Mauritania
The Kingdom of Morocco
The Sultanate of Oman
The State of Qatar
The Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Somali Democratic Republic
The Republic of Sudan
The Syrian Arab Republic
The Republic of Tunisia
The United Arab Emirates
The Republic of Yemen