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Middle East Holidays 2011
Muslim Holidays are celebrated in almost every Middle East country. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of these dates, the Muslim calendar is calculated from the actual sighting of the moon.
Islamic New Year 1432 26th November 2011
Beginning of Ramadhan 1st August 2011 - approx.
Eid Al-Fitr - End of Ramadhan 30th August 2011 - approx.
Eid Al-Adha [The Feast of the Sacrifice]
6th November 2011 - approx.
The length of each Eid Holiday varies from one Arab country to another. Please note that all Arab Embassies in London shut for the above holidays. In addition to the above religious festivals, most of which observed throughout the Islamic World, there are individual National Days.
Ireland's Public Holidays 2011
New Year's Day 1 January 2011
St. Patrick' Day 17 March 2011
Good Friday 22 April 2011
Easter Monday 25 April 2011
May Day 2 May 2011
Public Holiday 6 June 2011
Public Holiday 1 August 2011
Public Holiday 31 October 2011
Christmas Day 25 December 2011
St. Stephen's Day 26 December 2011
Airline Information
Download Arab Irish Commerce Supplement [3.6MB]
The Joint Arab-Irish Chamber of Commerce [JA-ICC]: 60 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Tel: + 353 1 662 4451 / 662 1577        Fax: + 353 1 662 47 29        Email: 
                       © 2009 The Joint Arab Irish Chamber of Commerce
The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
The Kingdom of Bahrain
The Republic of Djibouti
The Republic of Iraq
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The State of Kuwait
The Republic of Lebanon
Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
The Islamic Republic of Mauritania
The Kingdom of Morocco
The Sultanate of Oman
The State of Qatar
The Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Somali Democratic Republic
The Republic of Sudan
The Syrian Arab Republic
The Republic of Tunisia
The United Arab Emirates
The Republic of Yemen