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The Republic of Lebanon

Lebanon – Fact File
Country name Republic of Lebanon
Population 4 million – July 2007 estimate
Languages Arabic [official], English and French [Commercial]
Currency Lebanese Pound [LP] = 100 piastres
Main Religions Christianity [Maronite, Greek Orthodox & Greek Catholic] Islam [Sunni & Shi’a] and Druze
Capital Beirut
Business Hours Government Offices & States Enterprises:
08:00 to 14:00 [Monday to Thursday]
Banks; 08:00 to 12:30 [Monday to Friday]
08:00 to 12:00 [Saturday]
Commercial Offices: 08:00 to 13:00 and 15:00 to 19:00
Embassy requirements and legalisation fees
All shipments to Lebanon must be covered by an Arab-Irish Certificate of Origin and along with an Invoice, must be certified by the JA-ICC.
The Lebanon Embassy will only legalise documents which are issued under a Letter of Credit (L/C). If legalisation is required a copy of your L/C must be submitted with your documents. For all other shipments, certification only by our Chamber will suffice.
The following statement must appear on all Invoices submitted for Certification and/ or legalisation:-
"We hereby certify that the present Invoice is authentic, that it is the only one issued by us for the goods mentioned therein, without deduction of any payment on account, and that they are exclusively of [state countries of Origin], manufactured by [state manufacturers]. We also certify that the goods mentioned therein are on Free Sale in the Republic of Ireland.
For Agency Agreements, Certs. of Free Sale, or any other registration documents, these must be stamped by the Dept. of Foreign Affairs before we can process same. Our Chamber can undertake this at the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Health Certificates and are required for all food, meat and poultry consignments, and must be stamped by the Dept. of Foreign Affairs before we can process same.
A Halal Certificate stating that the slaughter was according to Muslim law must accompany fresh, frozen meat and poultry.
Exporters are often required to submit a Radiation Certificate.
Documents covering chemicals, drugs or medicines must carry a declaration stating that the substances are non-hazardous. If the goods are hazardous, the following declaration must appear on all Invoices:-
"We hereby declare that the goods are hazardous and the purpose of use is for ...... purpose, and are on Free Sale in the Republic of Ireland."
Certification and/or legalisation of a Certificate of Origin with several Invoices can be done on condition that all Invoices bear the same Invoice date. The Certificate of Origin should state the Invoice Numbers and Invoice date in Box 6.
The manufacturing and expiry dates must appears on the Cert. of Origin, Invoice, Health and Halal Certificates. For chemicals, drugs and pharmaceuticals the minimum shelf life is one year.
Certificate of Origin with 1 Invoice € 17.00
Certificate of Origin with several Invoices € 32.00
Copy Certificate of Origin € 17.00
Please check with the Chamber as legalisation fees for Invoices are calculated on a daily basis.
Halal, Health or Cert. Price Certs. and Packing Lists € 22.00
General Power of Attorney € 71.00
Special Power of Attorney € 37.00
Cancellation of Power of Attorney € 44.00
Certificate of a Pharmaceutical Product/Agency or Distribution Agreement, Power of Attorney to set up Branch or representative office in Lebanon, Memorandum & Articles of Association/ Cert. of Incorporation/Cert. of Change of Company Name/ Minutes of Board Meeting/Registration of Trade Mark/ Any Registration Certificates. €108.00
Balance Sheets/Budgets/Personal effects list € 44.00
Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Lebanon
P.O.Box 11 – 1801,
Tel.: (+961 1) 353 390/7 or 745 288
Fax: (+961 1) 341 328 or 349 614
Secretariat General of the General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture for Arab Countries
P.O. Box: 11-2837,
Tel.: (+961 - 1) 814 269/70
Fax: (+961 -1) 862 841
Please note that Embassies rules and regulations can and do change overnight. We bear no responsibility for any such changes. Any changes that do take place will be passed directly to our customers.
We regret that we cannot under any circumstances, intercede or take responsibility for any transactions initiated directly between an exporter and an Embassy.
The Joint Arab-Irish Chamber of Commerce [JA-ICC]: 60 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Tel: + 353 1 662 4451 / 662 1577        Fax: + 353 1 662 47 29        Email: 
                       © 2009 The Joint Arab Irish Chamber of Commerce
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