Breiffini Kennedy to represent Bord Bia on AICC board

August 2013

An Bord Bia has nominated Mr. Breiffini Kennedy, International Markets Manager, as its representative on the board of the AICC in succession to Mr. James O'Donnell who has moved to the Bord Bia office in China.

The Chairman of the AICC, Mr. Joe Geoghegan, welcomed Mr. Kennedy's appointment and noted that Bord Bia has played a significant role on the Chamber's board for over twenty years.

He expressed the board's thanks to James O'Donnell for his significant contribution to the Chamber during his years of service, and the board looks forward to working closely with his successor in the years ahead.

Mr. Geoghegan commented on the importance of the Arab markets for the Irish agri/food sector and committed the Chamber to working closely with Bord Bia and the sector generally to maximise the enormous growth potential for Irish food products and services in the Arab Markets.