Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, will lead a Trade Mission to the Gulf in October.

July 2013

Following the decision by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to formally lift the ban on Irish beef and lamb, the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney, has announced that he will lead a trade mission to the Gulf region from 27 October to 1 November this year.

Minister Coveney said that the lifting of this decade-long ban was “a clear signal from the GCC of their confidence in the rigorous controls and excellent standards of food safety in Ireland.” He pointed to the fact that this region has a combined population of almost 43.5 million people and is a significant importer of food products and offers big opportunities to Irish beef and lamb exporters.

Highlighting the significance of this region for Irish food exports as a whole, the Minister also announced that he had decided to lead a trade mission to the Gulf region from 27 October to 1 November this year, to highlight what Ireland can offer to discerning customers in this region and to explore future opportunities. Minister Coveney said that he greatly looked forward to this mission and to publicising the unique qualities of Irish food production and products. He reiterated his commitment to ensuring that Irish meat exporters would have access to as many global markets as possible and that his Department, Bord Bia and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, would continue to work closely in achieving this goal.