Post and Telecoms opportunities in Iraq

June 2013

The rebuilding of the Postal and Telecommunications services in Iraq will offer significant opportunities to specialist Irish companies in the coming years according to the Adviser to the Iraqi Minister of Communications, Mr. Jaber Zawayed Atiyah Al-Kabbi, when he visited Dublin with a delegation from the ministry recently.

He remarked that Iraq is like “a greenfield site” where a whole new infrastructure must be built from the ground up, which will offer Iraq the opportunity to leap-frog to a position where they can install the latest and most efficient telecommunications technologies available today without the burden of ageing legacy systems.

The Postmaster from the Iraqi Post Office, Mr. Safauldeen Bader Hamza, who was also a member of the delegation, confirmed that the postal service in Iraq is in the same situation and is in need of significant development and investment.

The delegation visited The Escher Group in Dublin to discuss the benefits of their world leading Postal Service applications and technologies in the context of Iraq’s needs and ambitions. They also met the Arab-Irish Chamber of Commerce and Enterprise Ireland to learn about other potential Irish suppliers of goods and services to meet the future needs of the Iraqi postal and telecommunications sector.

The delegation from Iraq included The Postmaster from the Iraqi Post Office, Mr. Safauldeen Bader Hamza; the Adviser to the Iraqi Minister of Communications, Mr. Jaber Zawayed Atiyah Al-Kabbi, and the Adviser to the Deputy Minister for Technical Affairs, Mr. Akram Kadhim Nimaa Al Kaiem.