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18th OCTOBER 2010

Certification only MEMBERS NON-MEMBERS
Cert. of Origin and 1 Invoice €50.00 €56.00
Extra Invoice or other document €17.00 €17.00
Any copy documents €12.00 €12.00
Halal Certificate €29.00 €29.00
Chamber fees for Legalisation & Courier Service
Not including Embassy Legalisation fees
Cert. of Origin and 1 Invoice €71.00 €76.00
Extra Invoice or other document €17.00 €17.00
Any copy documents €12.00 €12.00
Halal Certificate €29.00 €29.00
The Chamber has excellent facilities for translation from Arabic to English and vice versa. Technical, legal and commercial documents translation can be undertaken to a very high standard. Our translation service is also available via e-mail. Translations can be sent to 
If you require your documents to be checked before sending to your local Chamber for approval or to our Chamber please email to  The standard fee for translations is €40.00 per translated page. This charge may vary for technical or legal translations.
NB The above charges are only the Chamber fees for certification and our courier services to and from the various Arab Embassies in London. The above fees do not include the actual legalisation fees charged by the various Embassies. As legalisation fees have to be paid on the day they are presented to the various Arab Embassies in London, you will no doubt understand that we must receive full payment with all documents.
Please note that Embassies rules and regulations can and do change overnight. We bear no responsibility for any such change. Any change that does take place will be passed directly to our customers.
For non-members, your local Chamber of Commerce must stamp all documents before submitting them to our Chamber.
All documents for certification and legalisation are requested to be submitted before 1.00pm, as all documents must be checked thoroughly before sending them to the relevant Arab Embassy.
Two sets of photocopies of all documents must be accompanied with the originals.
Payment must be sent with all documents.
A covering letter must be sent with all documents.

The Joint Arab-Irish Chamber of Commerce [JA-ICC]: 60 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Tel: + 353 1 662 4451 / 662 1577        Fax: + 353 1 662 47 29        Email: 
                       © 2009 The Joint Arab Irish Chamber of Commerce
The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
The Kingdom of Bahrain
The Republic of Djibouti
The Republic of Iraq
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The State of Kuwait
The Republic of Lebanon
Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
The Islamic Republic of Mauritania
The Kingdom of Morocco
The Sultanate of Oman
The State of Qatar
The Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Somali Democratic Republic
The Republic of Sudan
The Syrian Arab Republic
The Republic of Tunisia
The United Arab Emirates
The Republic of Yemen